Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My Knowledge of US Politics

I couldn't resist from sharing how knowledgeable I am when it comes to US Politics.

When Hillary and Obama were campaigning against each other in the presidential race, I was totally on the side of Hillary as I read elsewhere that it would be beneficial for India if Democrats indeed come to power.

I can't tell you how depressed I was when Hillary actually lost the race only to later realize that both Hillary and Obama are from the same party The Democrats!!!


Vamsi said...

Refreshing honesty. I have had some intellectual bloomers in my time. But I guess I never found the nerves to accept it. If this is how candid your blog's gonna be, I think I need to have a daily dose of this as regularly as my newspaper. Keep blogging Suresh, I think you already have a loyal readership.

voldemort said...

Aah politics, im dying to learn something about it. why dont you give people like me some insight into how it works. All I know is who the president and prime minister are :P

Gene said...

just wat we needed!! Both democratic presidential candidates... sheesshhhh